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Convolution Code Download
Current version applgrid-1.4.70
Basic example code here
The hoppet code version 1.1.5 for QCD evolution from Gavin Salam and Juan Rojo.

Calculation Code
MCFM: (use standard mcfm code)
mcfm-patch (mcfm applgrid patch 0.0.8)
mcfm-bridge (version 0.0.35 - for mcfm-6.8)
nlojet++ 4.0.1 (applgrid version 0.0.2)
nlojet++ lhapdf wrapper 1.0.0 (applgrid version 0.0.2)
nlojet++ user module (applgrid version 0.0.2)

Grid Download
Full details on the Downloads page:

Grids for sqrt(s)=2.76 TeV:
ATLAS inclusive jets (2011 - 0.2pb-1) grids

Grids for sqrt(s)=7 TeV:
ATLAS inclusive jets (2010 - 17nb-1) grids
ATLAS inclusive jets (2010 - 37pb-1) grids
ATLAS inclusive dijets (2010 - 37pb-1) grids
ATLAS inclusive dijets (2011 - 4.5fb-1) grids
ATLAS inclusive jets (2011 - 4.5fb-1) grids
ATLAS W+, W- data (2010 - 35pb-1) grids
ATLAS Z0 data (2010 - 35pb-1) grids
ATLAS W+, W- data (2011 - 4.6fb-1) grids
ATLAS Z0 data (2011 - 4.6fb-1) grids

Quick Start Guide
how to run the APPLgrid code

Please cite the APPLgrid as
Eur Phys J C 66 (2010) 503


The APPLgrid project provides a fast and flexible way to reproduce the results of full NLO calculations with any input parton distribution set in only a few milliseconds rather than the weeks normally required to gain adequate statistics.

Written in C++ (although a fortran interface is included) it can be used for the calculation of any process where the hard subprocess weights from the convolution with the PDF are available from the calculation.

The user can use existing grids simply to obtain the fast cross sections, as with fastNLO, but the complete project is pubically available should the user wish to generate the grids themselves for new cross sections. In this case, the user interfaces the grid code with NLO calculation, and after running the NLO calculation to achieve the required statistical precision once, the results of the calculation with any different parton distribution set can be calculated, typically in around 1 to 100ms, depending on the size of the grid.

At present, examples exist for MCFM and nlojet++. Since the user code that needs to run to extract the weights and create the grid may require changes to the NLO calculation code or may be dependent on specific versions of the code, the specific versions of both MCFM and nlojet++ are included here

An interface to fastNLO (version 1) grids is included.

The code is under continuous development so please come back soon for more information.

Mark Sutton, Pavel Starovoitov, Tancredi Carli, Claire Gwenlan and Gavin Salam - send mail to the authors: applgrid @ projects.hepforge.org: Last updated Tue 23 Oct 2018 13:41:49 CEST